Hope In Odd Times…

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So, we’re in the in the midst of some very odd times.

It is the ongoing unfolding of a pandemic.

A number of people have died.

Most who have been tested, have not died.

That is, if the tests are even correct.

Didn’t Ohio’s governor get tested with different results?

Anyhow and regardless, we’ve noticed something if we’re paying attention.

There’s a hunger for control under the guise of protection.

If you aren’t convinced we are in the middle of a manufactured crisis, I likely won’t convince you, now.

Still, a bigger warning is at hand.

There’s been a pandemic since the Garden of Eden. The virus is sin and it’s been taking people out for millennia.

The only one who can truthfully testify to it is the One who rose from the dead.


Meaning, even though many have passed onto the other side, only One can tell us how to live and end well.

One destination is Heaven. The other is Hell. There is no in between.

Hebrews 9:27 reveals to us it’s appointed for man to die once, then comes the judgment.

That’s it.

Actually, let me add in one more:

For the true believer, absent from the body, present with Christ.

Not demon belief, by the way. They believe (the demons) … and shudder.

Born again belief. New birth!

Not religion. Not church. Not denomination.

New birth. Conversion, holiness stuff. Set apart for God. Saved. Sanctified.

So, we face a new pandemic, but the oldest one is the one which kills in an everlasting fashion.

Love warns.

Those who have not new life cannot warn you.

Therefore, as we enjoy our memories of Grovewood Pool and Euclid Beach Park and the old ‘hood … let’s be sure to put first things first.

Jesus. Salvation. Accurate theology.

Don’t forget, Nicodemus was not a young dude.

Yet, in John 3:3, Jesus revealed the necessity of a new birth.

Even as an “older” person, Nic appears to have gotten the message.

Not religion. Not good works.

Surrender. New birth.

Akin to learning to focus on the main thing for proper nutrition (minimizing the sugars and carbs), there is a main thing to focus upon for salvation:

Jesus. Surrender. A new birth.

Seeking God with all of your heart. Finding Him.

He’s not lost.

The Lord Jesus knocks, desiring to “sup” with you. To walk with you. To teach you. To properly govern your life.

Only Jesus can properly govern one’s life.

If one could, apart from Him, they’d not continually sin against Him. But, they do.

Religion can’t do this. Good works can’t do this.

Those are dead works leading to death.

True repentance leads to salvation. This is what God wants.

God wants us to live.

Being born spiritually dead, God sent Jesus (e.g. A Charlie Brown Christmas!) that we’d have a pathway to second birth.

How? Surrender. Jesus. Conversion. Born-again.

Not religion. Not resumes.

Worship. Praise … flowing out of a new heart which only Jesus can provide and He’s giving them out.

To the humble. God opposes the proud.

I love the old ‘hood. But …

Jesus is so much more.

As time unfolds, know that tomorrow is promised to nobody.

And … we have to get this right. We can’t guess and we shalln’t merely “hope.”

Instead, we are to know, but it’s not because we’re good.

It’s because we gave Jesus our entire life and being, and …

On Judgment Day, when the Father pulls that file belonging to you, you’ll want the file of Jesus Christ in the very place where your file was.

So, instead pronouncing you guilty and casting you into the Lake of Fire for your many crimes against an infinitely, holy God …

He’ll instead determine,

“Innocent. Enter into the joy of your Lord.” (Matthew 25:21)

By the way and in closing, watch out for all of this stuff going on, now.

God has revealed the end from the beginning.

We are in the end times.

So, apart from tomorrow being promised to nobody, satan is about to take more souls with him before this is all over.

Don’t be a casualty.

You can gain more insights via the video below.

Keep you Bible close. Give your life to Christ so God’s Holy Spirit can illumine your mind as you read his Word.

Read it, heed it and obey it.

Direct words and warning.

Tough love. This world needs more of it.

Until next time and as the Lord wills, God so loved you He sent his one and only Son.

WHO-SO-EVER calls upon his name — shall be saved.

Call upon Him, today.

You aren’t too old and you aren’t too young. You aren’t too good and you aren’t too bad.

But, you must come.

By the way, just think:

Since God is omniscient and from everlasting, He knew you’d be reading this right now, at this moment!

God Bless You.